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These Big Data Job Roles Will Mass Hire in 2017 |
Data hygienist and
machine teachers are two new analytics job roles which have surfaced. Rumor has
it that there are several new jobs coming up within the data analysis industry.
Here are a few that may suit your skills:
It is evident that Big
Data and analytics is transforming our work procedures. Several Human Resource
managers are also cutting short the review and revision process for job
responsibilities and the long task lists for position descriptions, to portray
the active role that analytics plays.
If you are already a
key member of the commuting workforce should take proactive steps to enhance
their skills in the analytics realm. It will come in handy as more employees
are expected to work in this field. As for those looking to land their first job,
getting a few data analyst certifications can be strong entries to add
to your curriculum vitae.
With the Big Data
analytics boom, new job roles are also surfacing for the upcoming New Year.
Here’s what is new:
Be a citizen data scientist:
Data Scientist are
difficult to find, and to further top that off companies cannot afford to hire
a good one. As a result a citizen data scientist is born. This is just an
analytically talented individual from the organization who actually does not
have any formal degrees in either data science or engineering. But still this
man can take on the mantle for developing complicated algorithms and queries of
data which can yield breakthrough insights for the company.
Hiring data hygienists:
Imagine an electronic
tooth brush, yes it does work pretty well. But still a few hard-to-reach areas
remain where you must on your own to clean them out, and Big Data is no
exception to this rule. While tools are there to clean and prune data, it still
requires some human hands to get it to the level of business precision.
Paraprofessional analyst:
Several analytics
consulting agencies are already working with healthcare and law firms to help
with their diagnosis. This opens up new avenues for paraprofessionals to
research and work on, and it will be especially helpful if they have analytical
Here were a few hot job roles that will hire data analysts in the upcoming year of
2017. For more articles, tutorials. News and information
on Big Data certification stay tuned
to our regular updates from DexLab Analytics.
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